Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lesson Three on Illustration: Composite Photograph.

Lesson third require us to edit several photos then put them together to make it into one image. For this work, we are to work it on Adobe Photoshop CS4. We took photos of the team members, remove the background and put it into the cup image.

Given image:

Final work:

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lesson Two on Illustration: Photo Manipulation.

The second lesson on Illustration is about Photo Manipulation using Adobe Photoshop CS4. On the original photo edit it to have the effects of a haunted house. To achieve this, several elements have to be emphasised, such as the colour, texture of the house and atmosphere of the environment.

This is the original photo that was given:

And this is the my final work for the haunted house:

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

First lesson on Illustration - Digital Painting.

The first lesson on Illustration focus on techniques of digital painting using Adobe Photoshop CS4. There are 4 stages to complete this. First, filling in the colours for the character. Next, add in the direction of the light that caused the highlights and shadows. Then, add the highlights on the character. Lastly, add the shadows cast on the character and object.

This is the given sketch:

First stage: Fill in the colours.

Second stage: Adding the light direction.

Third stage: Add the highlights.

Last stage: Add the shadows.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Cartoon and Comics Character.

I like drawing comic characters a lot and have been drawing that during my secondary school days. I start reading comics when friends around are reading them and they also keep asking to. After reading them, I like comic style of drawing which I later tried drawing them.

Comic style of drawing.

This is a little fairy feeling tired and is resting on a tree branch.
I want to try drawing cartoon characters and saw this picture of fairy, so I decide to try drawing it.

Cartoon type of drawing.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Drawing Assignment.

Assignment for my Drawing lesson, with the topic Moving, and I decide to draw about the traffic. This is one of the traffic lights which I am very satisfied with and also chosen this to be in my drawing.

Final Product.
This the finished product for my drawing assignment.
In a fast moving pace world, everyone is moving at a very fast speed. With this kind of speed, no one had ever notice the beautiful things around them. At any time, if we could slow down and take things slowly, we will discover the beautiful things around us.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Drawing lesson.

Below are drawings which I have done during my Drawing lessons. The skill applied focuses more on the shadings.



