Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Today, had lesson on Colours about their representation and emotion. Did some research on Colours and Photoshop tutorial. I've learn how to create different colour effect, filter effect and some light beam on the images. I used these effects on the image for lesson and one of my personal photo. I just learnt these skills, so the outcome are not very good.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Research for website.

For the past few days, I have been search all over the internet on how to have my own website. Most of the websites I came across are like blogging style. I did found one that I can create my own website with my own server. But I have to pay for it. So, I decide to use one of those that I found and it is the easier to use. Since it’s just a review for my portfolio development, when it’s time for the final project, I think will have my own website by then. On the website, I uploaded some of my drawings that I’ve done previously during my drawing lesson. The drawings are mostly my shading skills that I’ve learnt in my lesson.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Just started.

Just started on my blog for my portfolio development. Here, it will include how I get my ideas, how am I going to development on the ideas and my progress of it. Currently, there's nothing I can show yet and there's not much time left. I decide to have the theme more focus on simplicity and display more of my drawings. I'm lacking a lot on what I have to do for my portfolio, so I will have to do more research and be more focus.